Author Archives: jeshii

The. Death. March. To. The. Sea. 2012.



[Join on Facespace:]

Can you feel the HEAT? Yes? Well, that means it is time for the Annual Death March to the Sea, the greatest measure of character in the known universe.

The 14th Annual Death March to the Sea is a 12+ mile hike through Topanga State Park from the south end of Reseda Blvd. to the ocean at the intersection of PCH and Sunset.

Please respect the park. Leave no trace. Pick up any trash you see. Leave the trail better off than we find it.

Please be sure you have at least 1 quart of water, more if you plan on drinking alcohol (what?) or caffeine. There is one water refill point at Musch Camp; USE IT. Please be sure to drink heartily. People have died in the desert with full canteens. In other words, “Drink ‘til you slosh.”

That said, the primary mission statement of the Death March to the Sea is: “We the members of the Death March to the Sea, in order to punish our bodies, but also to strengthen and test our friendships, do ordain and establish a yearly trek held in the hottest days of summer from Reseda Boulevard to the Pacific Ocean.”

No one will be turned away, but you are on your own if you jump in and can’t swim. It is your responsibility to determine if you have what it takes to complete the Death March. This is an event for grown-ups, so you will need to take care of yourself like one.

The Theme

Last year’s Winning Team was Team Camp Beverly Hills. As the Winning Team, they came up with the theme… actually, they came up with it at last year’s banquet. So you may already know.

This year’s theme:
ABC (Anything But Clothes)

We really have no idea what that is supposed to mean. If you come nekked, we are not responsible for any sunburning or law enforcement issues. Maybe you can be nekked half way through when there are less people? I dunno. Some people are thinking of wearing cardboard or bottle caps, but do you really want to hike 13 miles in such garb??? So my advice is to ignore the theme unless you know what you are doing.

Want a better theme next year? Get your shit together and win the March with your team!

Meeting Information

Car Shuttle: Meet at the end point at 8am SHARP. It is on Los Liones Drive, just west of Sunset Blvd:
Please go join the Ride Corp Event or pre-reg here and let us know you are driving.

Opening ceremonies begin at the Top of Reseda at 9:30am so that we can depart by 10:00am SHARP! If you are late, and you don’t see us at the meeting point, it is because we have already left. Catch us if you can! (There is an achievement for that.)

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This is the Google Maps location of the actual meeting / starting location of the Death March, including Street View pointed at the spot at which we gather.

This is a One-Way Trip

We meet in the San Fernando Valley and hike to the Pacific Palisades. You will need a ride back to the start point and the ensuing Banquet at the conclusion of the hike.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have arranged with other participants to get a ride back. The Ride Corps (AKA Team Captains and Rangers) leave some cars in Pacific Palisades) in the morning so that we have a way to get home. Make sure you are on a team so that you have a space reserved in one of those cars.

Leaving your own car at the end point is best. Join the Ride Corps. There is no “car” in “team” but you will still need one to get home.

Consult a Death March Officer or Marshal (or leave a comment below) for details and help with getting a ride set up if you need one. We are happy to help… if you were invited to this event, we want you there!!

Events and Attractions

Of course, the Death March is more than just your regular old hike. We are a loud, costumed, wild group.

The Race
[badge title=”Champion of the Sea” size=”25″] [badge title=”Champion of the Sea” size=”25″] [badge title=”Champion of the Sea” size=”25″] [badge title=”Champion of the Sea” size=”25″] [badge title=”Champion of the Sea” size=”25″] [badge title=”Champion of the Sea” size=”25″]
There will be a race for the heartiest of Death Marchers from Eagle Rock to the Ocean. It will start at approximately 12noon. The Grand Marshal will explain this at Eagle Rock.

The Punishments
[badge title=”Alcoholics Unanimous” size=”25″] [badge title=”Are you guys a club or something?” size=”25″] [badge title=”Patriot” size=”25″] [badge title=”Alcoholics Unanimous” size=”25″] [badge title=”Are you guys a club or something?” size=”25″] [badge title=”Patriot” size=”25″]
All those funny titles on the names? Those come from the Punishments. Here is a list of things you can do to earn titles:
– Consume alcohol
– Eat some food with Tommy’s chili on it
– Carry a large flag
– Eat vegetarian chili and do not eat meat
– Carry and use an instrument, radio, or other noise maker
– Dress up in clothing traditionally worn by the other gender (women are also required to sport “facial hair”)
– Wear long sleeves and pants and do not roll them up

The Achievements
[badge title=”Absolute Twit” size=”25″] [badge title=”Great Bounty” size=”25″] [badge title=”Speedster” size=”25″] [badge title=”Alcoholics Unanimous” size=”25″] [badge title=”Photogenic” size=”25″] [badge title=”Patriot” size=”25″] [badge title=”Champion of the Sea” size=”25″] [badge title=”Waterlogged” size=”25″] [badge title=”Lose Your Keys?” size=”25″] [badge title=”Greenfriend” size=”25″] [badge title=”Are you guys a club or something?” size=”25″] [badge title=”Gracious Bounty” size=”25″] [badge title=”Greenfriend” size=”25″]
See these colorful badges?

You can earn them! Yes, it is a foursquare rip-off, but a fun one.

The WebPage
[badge title=”Treasure Hunter” size=”25″] [badge title=”Treasure Hunter” size=”25″] [badge title=”Treasure Hunter” size=”25″] [badge title=”Treasure Hunter” size=”25″] [badge title=”Treasure Hunter” size=”25″] [badge title=”Treasure Hunter” size=”25″]
Everything you need to know is here:


If you are not signed up under one of our Team Captains by the morning of the hike, you will need to have other arrangements to get home!! You can hike with us, but we reserve the right to leave you at the beach when we all drive home if you haven’t taken care of this very important detail.


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Once the March is done, we will be gathering at 6439 Kenwater Ave. in West Hills (near Platt and Victory, 101 N Valley Circle Off-Ramp) for the Banquet. We will be firing up the BBQ pits and pizza oven! This will be a potluck event, so please stop by somewhere on the way over and pick up some grillables, pizza toppings, and/or adult beverages.

See you there. Don’t be late.

Death March Ride Corps 2012

7th Annual Ride Corps | Saturday, August 18, 2012 8:00am | Los Liones Dr and Tramonto Dr

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WE NEED DRIVERS!! Pre-reg or join the Facebook event or Google+ event!

PLEASE DO NOT sign up for the Ride Corps unless you ABSOLUTELY can commit to doing this, and you can definitely be there on time!!

Note: If you drive, you get EXTRA RANK POINTS!! Driving as part of the Ride Corps is the easiest way to earn extra rank points.

Being part of the Ride Corps means you are going to meet at the Los Liones Drive end point, just west of Sunset Blvd ( at 8am SHARP.

Team Captains:
If you are driving, you are the Captain of a team. Congratulations! You can also add other drivers to your team, and everyone they drive is also part of your team (non-Team Captain drivers are known as RANGERS. Badass). Your team then will stick together throughout the hike and your will all stick together and all make it back together. RIGHT? If your team wins, you will get to choose next year’s theme.

Valley Folks

Valley Ride Caravan 2012 | Saturday, August 18, 2012 6:30am | Topanga Starbucks

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The annual Valley side Death March car caravan will meet at Starbucks ( on Topanga/Ventura at 6:30am and roll out at 7am. If you get there and don’t see us, just meet us at the end point.

If you know someone who can’t come on the hike but wants to help as an Honorary Ranger of MaST (Marcher Support Team) in the morning or at the end of the hike, PLEASE invite them to this event.

THANK YOU RIDE CORPS!! Saving us from having to do a second Death March home since 2006.

Summit 2012 Bylaws Updates!

Hello My Esteemed Marchers!

The Death March Summit 2012 was a rousing success. A number of bylaw changes were enacted. Below are the general changes.

  • Seasonal Marches are now official and worth POINTS! But those points will be distributed by the Officer in Charge, so he might take them all for himself or give them out to exceptional marchers. Who knows?! This doesn’t start until this coming Autumn, but watch the Banquet to see which Officer will be in Charge of which season.
  • A revised policy on what happens if the Grand Marshal fails to plan the march. Now, the next in line gets to be acting Grand Marshal! But they only have 24 hours to plan it! Exciting!
  • Minor wording change in team section for clarity.
  • Rank section was moved around a bit also for clarity.

You can read the bylaws in their new updated form here! The minutes recorded at the meeting (warts and all) are listed below.

We march in 33 days!!!


Death March Summit 2012

Attended: Jesse, Gregg, Mike, Ace
(Chops, Diane)

Seasonal Marches
– as written, jesse yea all others nay
– unanimously RADIFIED WOTHOUT LENTH/difficulty
– mike makes a motion to approve similar length
– Gregg asked length time or distance.
– mike yea, others nay
– should we have rock paper scissors as a tie breaker vote
– would cancel chancellors
– tyrant of the minority
– move the rank section order around
– unanimously radified
– ace: if the ruling death marshall
“if by midnight Aufust 21th, the grand Marshall has not solidified a date for the death march, the next ranking member of the march has 24 hours to schedule and inform yhe public of the date as acting Grand Marshall. If this member does not plan and inform within 24 hour, they lose this opportunity. This process continues every 24 hours until the autumnal equinox (previous working)
– radified unanimously
– added comment c. (for merely attending a march).
– radified unanimously
– driver wordin over team captain
– radioed unanimously
– team mottos added
– radified unanimously
– driver points!!!
– Partial points based on how many people are shuttled?
– no consensus, no changes
– seasonal march
– ” Which officer is in charge of which season shall be determined by the Grand Marshal at the end of the Banquet.”

Death March Summit 2012

Where: STOUT | When: Tuesday, July 10th at 8pm

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Hey, are you interested in helping change the face of the Death March? Do you have ideas to make the Death March better, bigger, stronger??? Well, come hang out with the Officers over beers at STOUT on July 10th, 2012 starting at 8pm. We will be discussing and RADIFYING new changes to the Bylaws.

See you then!

Awesome Climb The Griffith Everyone

6 people showed up for last weekend’s Climb the Griffith spring march. I know. 6 people. Actually, 9 showed up at Eagle Rock Brewery and 3 were just there for the beer.

In the end, we walked 12.7 miles. It took us 6 hours and 33 minutes. We walked at an average speed of 1.9 mph, 2.7 mph moving. We gained 2829 feet of elevation, and found 1 geocache. The hike was half in day light, half after night fall. It traversed quite a few peaks and really challenged us!

Some said this event was poorly planned. I wouldn’t say that. I planned a fantastic hike through LA’s central park. But the lack of transportation seemed to spark these claims. I specifically didn’t plan transportation. I took the bus. You can too. Some people carpooled. You are an adult and should learn to move around your city.

All of the marchers had previously done a Death March but two were not current! They both earned 2011 Absentee March points. Welcome back to the ranking!

I hope that this leads to more such hikes. I know I am ready to explore Griffith Park even more now.

Here are some links to pictures:
Jesse’s Pictures

Thanks for the great hike everyone!

Climb the Griffith: June 2, 2012

| Date: Jun 2nd | Location: Eagle Rock Brewery (directions) | Time: 4pm |

Climb the Griffith: A Ye Olde Death March

Dust thou posses the perseverance to ramble o’er Griffith in thy City of Angels?

‘Tis a March which shall beginth at Ye Olde Eagle Rock Brewerye. After libations and grog be secured, Our Merry Band shall wind 5 leagues o’er Griffith Parke before descending upon Universal Citye. Gather at yonder Brewerye at 4 hours past noon in ye proper garb.

Inspirations may come from Renn Faire, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or any such fantastical stories of Ruins and Beasts.

This is an Official Death March Supported Event and a Grand Marshal Approved Absentee March.

Join on Ye Olde Facebook.


GPX File

64oz. to Freedom 2

| Date: Feb 11th | Location: Ladyface AleHouse (directions) | Time: 7pm |

UPDATE: The event has been postponed to Feb. 11th due to rain. Sorry! It wouldn’t be 64oz. if it wasn’t postponed due to rain at least once. ;)

In Time Ancient, tribes of Men who built the foundations for this thing we call Our Culture, celebrated the New Year at the beginning of Spring to reflect the return of life to the Earth.

Yet, another tribe of Men who lived on the land we call Our Country celebrated the lengthening of the days as their New Year. The Winter Nights are long and bitter for many months hence, but celebrations did occur. Perhaps the Men of this Land enjoyed the cool Winter as respite from the Fires of Death which accompany the Summer.

And for Us, whom live by the ways of one tribe and on the land of another? The passage of our daily lives much unchanged is a Melancholic Antithesis to the recent Celebrations.

On Saturday, January the 21st February the 11th, let us travel to Ladyface Brewery. Let us fill our growlers with the remains of the Harvest. Then let us March through Canyons to the Cave of Munits. Let us pay our respects to the Men who once lived on this Land.

Please take advantage of LA’s fantastic bus system. The 161 route can take us to Ladyface for a mere $1.50. It leaves the Warner Center Transit Hub (Owensmouth & Oxnard) at 6:00pm; Ventura & Topanga at 6:05pm; Parkway Calabasas & Calabasas Road at 6:18pm. We will arrive at Ladyface around 6:30pm. I estimate we will leave Ladyface around 7pm, judging by last year’s fill speed.

Please bring good shoes, a light, and a warm jacket at bare minimum. Water, food, and first aid are recommended. Like the Year, the moon will also be New; we will have only the stars to guide us –Actually, we will have a moon this time–. We may encounter snakes, lions, packs of rabid coyotes, and ghosts of Colonization Past. Rain postpones [I hope not].

Please use your light sparingly. Please only use the light when absolutely necessary. Otherwise, let us tune into our normally hidden senses.

If you are unable to attend, Vice Lieutenant Marshal Mike has volunteered to organize another epic hike in March near the equinox. I know I’m excited.

This is a Grand Marshal approved Absentee March.

See you then.

Great Los Angeles Walk 2011 – Nov. 19

Hey Marchers!

The Great Los Angeles Walk, the spiritual sibling to the Death March, marches down Hollywood Boulevard from Downtown to the ocean this Sunday, Nov. 19th. Meet at the Triforium sculpture at Temple and Main across from City Hall at 9am for a 19 mile walk.

This will count as a Absentee March!!! Go Marchers and recruit for next year’s Death March!