
The Banquet is arguably the original reason for the Death March. It occurs after every March and has happened at 6 different locations.

Winnetka Bowl

Years: 2015
Although MacLeod Brewing was a super gracious host, many bemoaned the fact that the place closes at 10pm (as well as the lack of food). In a brainstorming session over where has 1. Beer 2. Food 3. Late Hours 4. Easy Access to Transit, [displayname name=”Jesse William Fuller”] suggested Winnetka Bowl. It didn’t clench it until no one else came up with a better idea. However, it ended up as a rather lackluster event (or maybe a Revecess Reunion).

MacLeod Ale Brewing Company

Years: 2014
After having the 2014 Summit there, the owner expressed interest in hosting the Banquet at MacLeod as well! They reserved a big table for us and we had a great time. The Grand Marshal even got a kilt discount. There was a bit of trouble as the food truck didn’t show up AND Costco closed at 6pm (banquet got into full swing around 7), but Yelp/Eat24 found a pizza place called Fernandas NY Pizza and it was amazing. Pizza, beer, friends, darts, and dice. Good times.

The Fuller Compound

Years: 2012-2013
The Fuller Compound became the banquet location in 2012 after the Pasadero House was rendered unavailable. While the location is a bit off the beaten path, the plush backyard and pizza kitchen provided more than enough merriment. Since it was a potluck, there were healthy things like hummus and fruit, but also more trashy yums like 100 Chicken McNuggets and giant pork steaks. Beer was enjoyed and the BBQ was fired. [displayname name=”Debra Fuller”] even made a cake! Good times.

Second year was a little smaller, but doughnut burgers were made. [displayname name=”Elise Kane”] made a cake this time.

The Pasadero House

Years: 2008-2011
The Pasadero House was originally the start point for the March, but later on became the site for the Banquet. The jacuzzi and large open back yard allowed for much resting and feasting to be had, no matter how many people attended. This locations only shortcoming is the lack of reliable internets.

Mongolian BBQ

Years: 2000-2007
After the Todai fiasco, Mongolian BBQ in Reseda was the preferred location for the Banquet for many years. While initially ideal, the situation got a little out of hand as the number of people attending grew.


Year: 1999
Todai Buffet on Ventura, while the original goal of the Death March, was only visited in 1999.

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