Tag Archives: Eagle Rock Brewery

Climb the Griffith: June 2, 2012

| Date: Jun 2nd | Location: Eagle Rock Brewery (directions) | Time: 4pm |

Climb the Griffith: A Ye Olde Death March

Dust thou posses the perseverance to ramble o’er Griffith in thy City of Angels?

‘Tis a March which shall beginth at Ye Olde Eagle Rock Brewerye. After libations and grog be secured, Our Merry Band shall wind 5 leagues o’er Griffith Parke before descending upon Universal Citye. Gather at yonder Brewerye at 4 hours past noon in ye proper garb.

Inspirations may come from Renn Faire, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or any such fantastical stories of Ruins and Beasts.

This is an Official Death March Supported Event and a Grand Marshal Approved Absentee March.

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