Tag Archives: summit

Summit 2012 Bylaws Updates!

Hello My Esteemed Marchers!

The Death March Summit 2012 was a rousing success. A number of bylaw changes were enacted. Below are the general changes.

  • Seasonal Marches are now official and worth POINTS! But those points will be distributed by the Officer in Charge, so he might take them all for himself or give them out to exceptional marchers. Who knows?! This doesn’t start until this coming Autumn, but watch the Banquet to see which Officer will be in Charge of which season.
  • A revised policy on what happens if the Grand Marshal fails to plan the march. Now, the next in line gets to be acting Grand Marshal! But they only have 24 hours to plan it! Exciting!
  • Minor wording change in team section for clarity.
  • Rank section was moved around a bit also for clarity.

You can read the bylaws in their new updated form here! The minutes recorded at the meeting (warts and all) are listed below.

We march in 33 days!!!


Death March Summit 2012

Attended: Jesse, Gregg, Mike, Ace
(Chops, Diane)

Seasonal Marches
– as written, jesse yea all others nay
– unanimously RADIFIED WOTHOUT LENTH/difficulty
– mike makes a motion to approve similar length
– Gregg asked length time or distance.
– mike yea, others nay
– should we have rock paper scissors as a tie breaker vote
– would cancel chancellors
– tyrant of the minority
– move the rank section order around
– unanimously radified
– ace: if the ruling death marshall
“if by midnight Aufust 21th, the grand Marshall has not solidified a date for the death march, the next ranking member of the march has 24 hours to schedule and inform yhe public of the date as acting Grand Marshall. If this member does not plan and inform within 24 hour, they lose this opportunity. This process continues every 24 hours until the autumnal equinox (previous working)
– radified unanimously
– added comment c. (for merely attending a march).
– radified unanimously
– driver wordin over team captain
– radioed unanimously
– team mottos added
– radified unanimously
– driver points!!!
– Partial points based on how many people are shuttled?
– no consensus, no changes
– seasonal march
– ” Which officer is in charge of which season shall be determined by the Grand Marshal at the end of the Banquet.”

Death March Summit 2012

Where: STOUT | When: Tuesday, July 10th at 8pm

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Hey, are you interested in helping change the face of the Death March? Do you have ideas to make the Death March better, bigger, stronger??? Well, come hang out with the Officers over beers at STOUT on July 10th, 2012 starting at 8pm. We will be discussing and RADIFYING new changes to the Bylaws.

See you then!